Audiocoin News Oct 6th 2022

Global Decentralization
2 min readOct 7, 2022


ADC updates and general blockchain music news

The opinions expressed in this newsletter are independent of any company and sourced by a fluid community of individuals

Audiocoin has been around almost since the birth of blockchain. What is its current status? What plans does it have for the future? Who is using it? What is happening with music and the blockchain? These newsletters will attempt to give regular (at least every 2 weeks) updates on ADC, Blockchain music and anything else we feel relevant. We’re starting off by asking some questions of the current ADC developers over at Blockpool and if you want to delve deeper please join in the discussion at the ADC discord.

The developers of ADC (Blockpool) have a token called BPL. What is BPL?

BPL can be considered the master chain of Blockpool’s blockchain infrastructure. The chain can be used to generate sidechains (such as ADC) and is virtually unlimited in it’s potential.
The BPL chain has already been used to generate NFT projects for music companies (Family In Music) and the chemical industry.
At the moment BPL and ADC can only be traded on
In later newsletters we’ll discuss how you can be a BPL and/or ADC delegate amongst other questions supplied by community members.
For more information here’s a link to the BPL sidechains litepaper.

What is happening at the music platform Aurovine?

The last info we saw was a partnership/competition with renowned music hardware company Celestion in the form of an NFT competition. The web site is still awaiting relaunch so we’ll try and find out more information for the next edition of the newsletter.

Other blockchain music news

1/ The Latin Grammy Awards have signed a 3 year contract for award show NFT’s

It is unclear what form the NFT’s will take other than the company OneOf (a web 3 music platform) indicating that NFT ‘drops’ will take place in October in the run up to the show. Full article here.

2/ Can NFT’s turn an audience into a community?

Industry professionals have indicated that NFT’s could see a significant ‘step change’ in the way artists and fans/communities engage.

Marcus Feistl COO at Limewire sees a significant move between Web 2 (content consumption) and Web 3 (content ownership) with NFT token holder communities.

Mattias Tengblad, CEO of Corite, cautions that new technologies such as Web 3 are often slow to develop whilst crypto savvy users are at the forefront of new developments, the mainstream takes time to catch up.

Tengblad adds ““Once you have a loyal group of supporters, I think the technology opens the door for you to monetize your work directly, while also sharing in the benefits of your success with your supporters.”

Full story here

3/ Warner Music Group partners with OpenSea

Select artists will be able to release NFT collections and limited edition projects through their own dedicated drop pages at OpenSea.

Full story here

Disclaimer: This newsletter is independent and fully decentralised. Not investment advice, Do your own research. Please contact individual companies referenced for further information.

