ADC Blockchain Upgrade FAQ

Global Decentralization
2 min readNov 24, 2021
  1. When does the upgrade/migration occur?

At block number 4080000. Around 27th/28th November 2021

2. What are my options for upgrading?

You can either:

a) transfer coins to before block number 4080000 and they will be upgraded to the new chain automatically.
b) On a PC use our migration tool (this will be released shortly after the snapshot (at block 4080000)
c) Sign a transaction according to the instructions provided(this method will work for PC or Mac and will also be published shortly after the snapshot)

3. Will I need a new wallet?

Yes we will publish a download link after the snapshot date

4. How long is the migration tool going to work for. Is there a cut off date?

Indefinitely, until we take the service offline.

5. How can I forge/stake ADC on the new chain?

The final revision of the crossforger will be released on the day we hit block 4,080,000. Instructions for setting a vote split and configuring it for ADC will be provided as well by then.

6. All my ADC is locked up at Cryptopia. What can I do?

We cannot provide any update on this at present.

7. Can I submit a support ticket for any migration problems?

Join the ADC Discord, note that there is very little we can do if the problem is that a wrong address was provided or a passphrase was lost or not saved. We can only provide support with using the migration tools themselves.

8. Will there be a mobile or OSX wallet for ADC?

A Windows & OSX wallet will be built before migration, but we don’t have the resources at the moment for a mobile wallet to be ready by then.

9. Is there documentation to help me through the upgrade?

Yes we have a full set of intructions. They will be published straight after we’ve taken the snapshot.

10. Can I earn ADC without being a delegate forger?

Yes, we expect a number of staking pools to be available once the new chain is running.

